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  1. Harris, R., Berman, N, and Lampel, A., Charge-Mediated Interactions Affect Enzymatic Reactions inPeptide Condensates. ChemSystemsChem, 2024.

  2. Netzer, A., Leshem, A.B.,Veretnik, S., Edelstein I., and Lampel, A., Regulation of Peptide Liquid–Liquid Phase Separation by Aromatic Amino Acid Composition. Small, 2024.

  3. Harris, R., Veretnik, S., Dewan, S., Leshem, A.B.,and Lampel, A., Regulation of enzymatic reactions by chemical composition of peptide biomolecular condensates. Communications Chemistry ,2024.

  4. Netzer, A., Kaztir, I., Leshem, A.B., Weitman, M. and Lampel, A., Emergent properties of melanin-inspired peptide/RNA condensates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2023, in press. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2310569120. 

  5. Gaash, D., Dewan, S., Baruch Leshem, A., Jaiswal, K. S., Jelinek, R., and Lampel, A. Modulating the optical properties of carbon dots by peptide condensates. Chemical Communications, 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D3CC03945E,2023, 59, 12298 - 12301

  6. Baruch Leshem, A., Sloan-Dennison, S., Massarano, T., Ben-David, S., Graham, D., Faulds, K., Gottlieb, H. E., Chill, J. H., & Lampel, A. Biomolecular condensates formed by designer minimalistic peptides. Nature communications, 2023, 14(1), 421.                           

  7.  Katzir, I., Haimov, E., Lampel, A., Tuning the Dynamics of Viral-Factories-Inspired Compartments Formed by Peptide–RNA Liquid–Liquid Phase Separation. Advanced Materials 2022, 2206371.

  8.  Wulf, V., Bichachi, E., Hendler-Neumark, A., Massarano, T., Leshem, A. B., Lampel, A.*, Bisker, G.*, Multicomponent System of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized with a Melanin-Inspired Material for Optical Detection and Scavenging of Metals. Advanced Functional Materials 2022, 2209688.

  9.  Massarano, T., Baruch Leshem, A., Weitman, M., & Lampel, A. Spatiotemporal Control of Melanin Synthesis in Liquid Droplets. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 20520-20527. * Selected to feature as the Supplementary Cover of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

  10. Brito, A., Dave, D., Lampel, A., Castro, V.I., Kroiss, D., Reis, R.L., Tuttle, T., Ulijn, R.V., Pires, R.A. and Pashkuleva, I. Expanding the conformational landscape of minimalistic tripeptides by their O-glycosylation. JACS, 2021,143, 19703-19710.

  11.  Sloan-Dennison, S., Lampel, A., Raßlenberg, E., Ulijn, R. V., Smith, E., Faulds, K., & Graham, D. Elucidation of the structure of supramolecular polymorphs in peptide nanofibres using Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2021, 52, 1108-1114.

  12.  Lampel, A*., McPhee, S. A., Kassem, S., Sementa, D., Massarano, T., Aramini, J. M., ... & Ulijn, R. V*. Melanin-Inspired Chromophoric Microparticles Composed of Polymeric Peptide Pigments. Angewandte Chemie International Edition., 2021. 60, 7564-7569. * co-correspondending author. Selected as a Research Highlight in Nature.

  13.  Reddy, S.M.M., Raßlenberg, E., Sloan-Dennison, S., Hesketh, T., Silberbush, O., Tuttle, T., Smith, E., Graham, D., Faulds, K., Ulijn, R.V., and Ashkenasy, N., Lampel, A*. Proton-Conductive Melanin-Like Fibers through Enzymatic Oxidation of a Self-Assembling Peptide. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32, 2003511.

  14.  Lampel, A. Biology-inspired supramolecular peptide systems. Chem 2020, 6, 1222-1236. *Invited Perspective.

  15.  Pappas, C., Wijerathne, N., Sahoo J. K., Jain, A., Kroiss, D., Sasselli, I. R., Pina, A. S., Lampel, A., and Ulijn, R. V. Spontaneous aminolytic cyclization and self‐assembly of dipeptide methyl esters in water. ChemSystemsChem, 2020.

  16. Ulijn, R.V. and Lampel, A. Order/disorder in protein and peptide-based biomaterials. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 60, 1129-1140. (Invited review in the special issue ‘Young Israelis Stars’).

  17.  Lampel, A., Tuttle, T., Ulijn, R.V. Guiding principles for peptide nanotechnology through directed discovery. Chemical Society Reviews. 2018, 47, 3737-3758.

  18. Zhang, C., Shafi, R., Lampel, A., MacPherson, D., Pappas, C. G., Wang, T.,  Maldarelli C., Ulijn, R. V. Switchable Hydrolase Based on Reversible Formation of Supramolecular Catalytic Site Using a Self‐Assembling Peptide. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2017, 129, 14703-14707.

  19.  Lampel, A., McPhee S. A., Park, H.-A. Scott, G. G., Humagain, S., Hekstra, D. R., Yoo, B., Frederix P. W. J. M., Li, T.-D., Abzalimov R. R., Greenbaum S. G., Tuttle, T., Chunhua H., Bettinger, C. J., Ulijn, R. V. Polymeric peptide pigments with sequence-encoded properties. Science 2017, 356, 1064-1068. * Highlighted in Chem and Science, Major media coverage: WYNC Science Friday, Science Daily, Materials Today, MRS Bulletin, Chemical & Engineering News, Cosmos.

  20. Alakpa, E. V., Jayawarna, V., Lampel, A., Burgess, K. V., West, C. C., Bakker, S. C.J, Roy, S., Javid, N., Fleming, S., Lamprou, D. A., Yang, J., Miller, A., Urquhart, A. J, Frederix, P. W.J.M., Hunt, N. T, Péault, B., Ulijn, R. V., Dalby, M. J. Tunable supramolecular hydrogels for selection of lineage guiding metabolites in stem cell cultures. Chem 2016, 1, 298-319.* Highlighted in Cell Stem Cell:  Stem Cell Fate Is a Touchy Subject, Cell Stem Cell. 19, 289-290,2016.

  21. Mondal, S*., Adler-Abramovich, L*., Lampel, A., Bram, Y., Lipstman, S., Gazit, E. Formation of functional super-helical assemblies by constrained single heptad repeat. Nature Communications 2015, 6. *Authors equally contributed

  22. Lampel, A., Bram, Y., Ezer, A., Shaltiel-Kario, R., Saad, J.S., Bacharach, E. and Gazit, E., Targeting the early step of building block organization in viral capsid assembly. ACS chemical biology, 2015, 10, 1785-1790.

  23.  Lampel, A., Varenik M., Regev O., Gazit, E. Hierarchical multi-step organization during viral capsid assembly. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2015, 136, pp. 674-677.

  24.  Lampel, A., Elis E., Guterman, T., Shapira S., Marco, P., Bacharach, E., Gazit, E. α-Aminoisobutyric acid incorporation induces cell permeability and antiviral activity of HIV-1 major homology region fragments. Chemical Communications 2015, 51, 12349-12352. * Front cover of Chem. Comm. 62nd issue.

  25.  Bram, Y., Lampel, A., Shaltiel-Karyo, R., Ezer, A., Scherzer-Attali, R., Segal, D., Gazit, E. Monitoring and targeting the initial dimerization stage of amyloid self-assembly. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2014, 54, 2062-2067. * Highlighted in Nature Materials:  Dimer Detection, Nat. Mater. 2015, 14, 134.

  26.  Lampel, A., Yaniv, O., Berger, O., Bacharach, E., Gazit, E., Frolow, F. A triclinic crystal structure of the carboxy-terminal domain of HIV-1 capsid protein with four molecules in the asymmetric unit reveals a novel packing interface. Acta Crystallographica Section F. 2013, F69, 602-606

  27. Lampel, A., Bram, Y., Levy-Sakin, M., Bacharach, E., Gazit, E. The effect of chemical chaperones on the assembly and stability of HIV-1 capsid protein. PLOS ONE. 2013, 8, e60867.

  28.  Frydman-Marom, A., Convertino, M., Pellarin, R., Lampel, A., Shaltiel-Karyo, R., Segal, D., Caflisch, A., Shalev, D.E. and Gazit, E., Structural basis for inhibiting β-amyloid oligomerization by a non-coded β-breaker-substituted endomorphin analogue. ACS Chemical Biology, 2011, 6, 1265-1276.

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